What are the similarities between Christian Rossetti’s Goblin Market’ and Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’? [British Poetry]

Both works are rooted in Christian mythology and explore themes of temptation, sin, and redemption. In "Goblin Market," the two sisters are tempted by the goblin merchants, and one succumbs to their temptations, while the other resists. Similarly, in "Paradise Lost," Satan tempts Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit.

Both works feature strong female characters. In "Goblin Market," the two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, are the main characters, and their actions and choices drive the plot. In "Paradise Lost," Eve is also a central character, and her decision to eat from the tree of knowledge has significant consequences.

Both works use imagery and symbolism to explore deeper themes. In "Goblin Market," the goblin fruits symbolize temptation and sin, while in "Paradise Lost," the Tree of Knowledge represents the same.

Both works also deal with the theme of sacrifice and redemption. In "Goblin Market," Lizzie sacrifices herself to save her sister and redeem her from the goblin's curse. Similarly, in "Paradise Lost," the sacrifice of Christ is a central theme and is the means of redemption of humanity.

Both works also have a strong moral message at the end. In "Goblin Market," Rossetti is warning against the dangers of succumbing to temptation, while in "Paradise Lost," Milton is warning against the dangers of pride and disobedience.