What is the purpose of using stock phrases in folk poetry? ( MEG 102 ) ( ROBERT BURNS )

Stock phrases are common phrases or expressions that are frequently used in a particular genre of folk poetry, such as ballads or epic poems. These phrases often have a fixed form and are repeated in multiple works within the same tradition.

The purpose of using stock phrases in folk poetry is to create a sense of familiarity and continuity within the tradition. They help to establish a recognizable style and tone, and contribute to the overall aesthetic of the poetry. By using familiar phrases and structures, the poet is able to convey complex emotions and ideas using a relatively limited vocabulary, making the poetry accessible to a wide audience.

In addition, stock phrases can also serve a mnemonic function, helping poets to remember the formulaic structure and content of the poetry. This is particularly important in oral traditions, where the poet may not have a written record of the poem and must rely on memory to transmit it accurately to future generations.

Overall, the use of stock phrases in folk poetry serves to reinforce the continuity and tradition of the form, while also contributing to its aesthetic and mnemonic qualities.