Why should it be appropriate to say that Keats’ Hyperion’ starts in medias res, i.e. in the middle of things? [British Poetry]

"Hyperion" is a poem written by John Keats, in which the narrative starts in medias res, which means "in the middle of things." This is because the poem begins in the middle of the story, with the Titans already in the midst of their fall from power and the arrival of the new Olympian gods. Keats does not provide any background information or context for the events that are taking place, and instead jumps right into the action. This is typical of the epic tradition and it's a way to capture the reader's attention and create a sense of immediacy and urgency.

Starting in medias res also allows Keats to convey the sense of a long-established history and mythology, without the need to explain all of the backstory. It also allows the poet to focus on the key events and emotions of the story, rather than getting bogged down in unnecessary details. This technique gives the poem a sense of timelessness and grandeur and allows the reader to imagine the story’s context and history.