What features of romanticism did Madame de Stael identify in German romantic literature? ( MEG 102 ) ( DEFINITION OF ROMANTICISM )

Madame de Stael, a prominent French writer and thinker, played an important role in introducing Romanticism to France and identifying its key features in German Romantic literature.

According to Madame de Stael, German Romantic literature was characterized by a number of key features, including:

Emphasis on individualism and subjectivity: German Romantic writers were interested in exploring the inner lives of individuals and the unique experiences of each person.

Celebration of nature and the supernatural: German Romantic literature often celebrated the beauty and power of nature, and frequently incorporated elements of the supernatural and the mystical.

Interest in folklore and mythology: German Romantic writers were fascinated by traditional folk tales and myths, and often drew on these sources for inspiration in their own works.

Focus on the irrational and the emotional: German Romantic literature often explored the irrational and the emotional aspects of human experience, and rejected the rationalism and objectivity of the Enlightenment era.

Use of symbolism and metaphor: German Romantic writers frequently used symbolic imagery and metaphors to convey their ideas and themes.

Overall, Madame de Stael's identification of these key features of German Romantic literature helped to establish the core principles and themes of Romanticism as a literary and artistic movement, and contributed to its popularity and influence in Europe and beyond.