How did Goethe differentiate the two terms, 'Classic', and 'romantic'? ( MEG 102 ) ( DEFINITION OF ROMANTICISM )

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the famous German writer, poet, and philosopher, was one of the key figures in the Romantic movement and played an important role in defining the differences between Classic and Romantic styles.

According to Goethe, Classic and Romantic are two distinct modes of artistic expression that represent different stages of cultural development. In Goethe's view, Classicism was associated with the ideals of reason, balance, clarity, and objectivity, while Romanticism was characterized by a focus on individualism, emotion, and the supernatural.

Goethe believed that the Classical mode was concerned with universal truths and principles, while the Romantic mode emphasized the particular, the subjective, and the personal. Classicism emphasized order, symmetry, and proportion, while Romanticism celebrated spontaneity, passion, and unpredictability.

Furthermore, Goethe saw Classicism as a form of art that was focused on imitating nature, while Romanticism was a mode of expression that sought to transform and transcend nature. For Goethe, the Classical and Romantic modes were not opposed to one another but rather represented different stages in the evolution of culture and art.

Overall, Goethe's differentiation between Classic and Romantic styles had a significant impact on literary and cultural theory, and it helped to establish the key concepts and themes that are still associated with these two modes of artistic expression today.