Attempt on explanation of the following with reference to context: a) I advance for as long as forever is, b) Break in the sun till the sun breaks down Romantic Poets c) I sang in my chains like the sea (MEG 102) (DYLAN THOMAS)

a) "I advance for as long as forever is" is a line from Dylan Thomas's poem "Fern Hill". The context of this line is the speaker's nostalgic reflection on his childhood experiences on his uncle's farm, where he lived "green and carefree". The line suggests the speaker's desire to hold onto the joys and freedoms of his youth and continue living in that idyllic state, even as he grows older and time passes. The use of the phrase "for as long as forever is" emphasizes the speaker's commitment to holding onto these memories and experiences as long as possible.

b) "Break in the sun till the sun breaks down" is a line from Dylan Thomas's poem "The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower". The context of this line is the speaker's meditation on the natural cycle of life and death, and the idea that everything is constantly changing and evolving. The line suggests that the speaker sees life as a force that is constantly pushing forward, like the sun breaking through the clouds. The use of the phrase "till the sun breaks down" emphasizes the idea that even the most powerful forces in nature are subject to change and decay.

c) "I sang in my chains like the sea" is a line from Dylan Thomas's poem "Do not go gentle into that good night". The context of this line is the speaker's exhortation to his father to fight against death and continue living with vigor and passion. The line suggests that even when we are constrained by the circumstances of our lives, we can still find a way to express ourselves and make our voices heard. The use of the metaphor "sang in my chains" suggests that the speaker has found a way to transcend his limitations and find beauty and joy in the midst of struggle and adversity. This line reflects the Romantic ideal of the power of the individual imagination to overcome external limitations and express the true nature of the self.