Compare Wordsworth and Thomas as poets of childhood or boyhood, particularly Ode on the Intimations of immortality with “Poem in October” and “Fern Hill. (MEG 102) (DYLAN THOMAS)

Wordsworth and Thomas both wrote poems that celebrate childhood and the experience of growing up, but they approached the subject in different ways. Wordsworth's "Ode on the Intimations of Immortality" explores the idea that children have a special connection to the spiritual world and that as we grow older, we lose that connection. In contrast, Thomas's "Poem in October" and "Fern Hill" focus more on the sensory experiences of childhood and the loss of innocence that comes with growing up.

In "Ode on the Intimations of Immortality," Wordsworth uses a formal structure and elevated language to express his ideas about childhood. He begins by describing the experience of childhood as a state of being close to the divine, and then laments the loss of that connection as we grow older. The poem is filled with abstract concepts and philosophical musings, and the language is often elevated and formal.

In "Poem in October" and "Fern Hill," Thomas uses a more free-flowing structure and a more colloquial language to capture the sensory experiences of childhood. He describes the sights, sounds, and smells of his childhood in vivid detail, evoking a sense of nostalgia and loss. The poems are less concerned with abstract ideas and more focused on the tangible experiences of childhood.

Both Wordsworth and Thomas use imagery to evoke a sense of the past and the passage of time. Wordsworth uses images of nature and the changing seasons to suggest the cyclical nature of life, while Thomas uses images of the countryside and the passage of time to evoke a sense of loss and nostalgia.

Overall, while both Wordsworth and Thomas celebrate childhood in their poetry, they approach the subject in very different ways. Wordsworth is more concerned with the spiritual and philosophical aspects of childhood, while Thomas focuses on the sensory experiences and the passage of time.