Which poets of the seventeenth century are influenced by the mechanical philosophy? [MEG 101 Prerestoration]

During the seventeenth century, many poets were influenced by the ideas of the mechanical philosophy, which held that the natural world could be explained in terms of mechanical laws and principles. Some of the poets who were influenced by this philosophy include:

John Donne - In his poetry, Donne often drew on the language and ideas of science and natural philosophy to explore complex metaphysical questions.

Andrew Marvell - Marvell's poetry frequently employs scientific imagery and metaphors to explore themes of time, mortality, and the transience of life.

Robert Herrick - Herrick's poetry often celebrates the beauty and transience of the natural world, drawing on ideas from natural philosophy to explore the cycles of growth and decay.

Richard Lovelace - Lovelace's poetry often explores themes of love, freedom, and political justice, drawing on the ideas of natural law and natural rights that were central to the mechanical philosophy.

Thomas Traherne - Traherne's poetry often celebrates the beauty and wonder of the natural world, drawing on the language and ideas of science and natural philosophy to explore the mysteries of creation.