Name a poet who reflects the contemporary conflict between religion and science. [MEG 101 Prerestoration]

One poet who reflects the contemporary conflict between religion and science in the seventeenth century is John Milton. In his epic poem "Paradise Lost," published in 1667, Milton explores a range of philosophical and theological issues related to the fall of man, the nature of evil, and the role of God in human affairs.

Throughout the poem, Milton draws on a range of intellectual traditions, including classical mythology, biblical scripture, and the emerging natural philosophy of his time, to create a complex and nuanced vision of the world. In particular, Milton is known for his exploration of the tension between divine sovereignty and human free will, which was a central theological and philosophical issue in the seventeenth century.

Milton's work is often seen as reflecting the intellectual and cultural conflicts of his time, including the growing tension between traditional religious beliefs and the emerging scientific worldview.