What in your opinion could be the reason(s) for Milton's emphasis on prose in the middle years of his life? ( MEG 101 ) ( PARADISE LOST- BOOK 1 )

There are several possible reasons for Milton's emphasis on prose during the middle years of his life. One possible reason is his involvement in political and religious debates of the time. During this period, Milton became politically active and wrote several political tracts, including "The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates" and "Areopagitica," which were critical of the monarchy and advocated for freedom of the press. These works were written in prose, which may have been a more effective medium for conveying his arguments and engaging with his opponents.

Another possible reason is that Milton may have seen prose as a more accessible medium for reaching a wider audience. While poetry was traditionally associated with the elite and educated, prose was more widely read and could reach a broader audience. This may have been particularly important to Milton, who saw himself as a champion of the common people and advocated for greater access to knowledge and education.

Finally, it is possible that Milton's emphasis on prose during this period was simply a reflection of his changing interests and priorities. While he was known primarily as a poet in his early career, his focus shifted towards political and theological concerns in his middle years. Prose may have been a more suitable medium for expressing these interests and engaging with the issues of the day.

Overall, it is likely that Milton's emphasis on prose during the middle years of his life was driven by a combination of political, social, and personal factors, rather than any single reason.