From your study of this unit, and from other readings, identify the primary influences and the main literary sources that are to be found in Milton's early poetic work. ( MEG 101 ) ( PARADISE LOST- BOOK 1 )

Milton's early poetic work was influenced by a variety of sources, including classical literature, religious texts, and contemporary poetry. Some of the primary influences and sources that can be identified in his early work include:

Classical Literature: Milton was well-versed in Greek and Roman literature, and his early work often draws on classical themes and motifs. For example, his poem "L'Allegro" and "Il Penseroso" are inspired by Horace's "Odes," and "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity" contains references to the Muses and Apollo.

The Bible: As a devout Christian, Milton's work is heavily influenced by the Bible. He draws on biblical stories and themes in his early poetry, such as the story of Adam and Eve in "Paradise Lost" and the Nativity of Christ in "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity."

Renaissance Poetry: Milton was also influenced by the poetry of his contemporaries, such as Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare. For example, his poem "Lycidas" draws on pastoral poetry and elegies, which were popular genres in the Renaissance.

Humanism: Milton was a proponent of humanism, which emphasized the importance of human reason and individualism. This can be seen in his early work, such as "Comus," which explores the conflict between virtue and temptation.

Overall, Milton's early work is marked by a diverse range of literary and intellectual influences, which he would later synthesize into his own unique poetic style.