(MCQ) (MEG 203) (Block-IV) Spread of English Language

"Spread of English Language"

Spread of English Language

Which year marks the beginning of the British East India Company's control over India?
a) 1600
b) 1700
c) 1800
d) 1900
Who was the first British Governor-General of India?
a) Robert Clive
b) Warren Hastings
c) Lord Cornwallis
d) William Bentinck
What was the primary purpose of the British East India Company's presence in India?
a) To establish trade relations with Indian merchants
b) To convert Indians to Christianity
c) To acquire territory and establish political control
d) To study Indian culture and society
Which battle is considered as the turning point in the British East India Company's control over India?
a) Battle of Buxar
b) Battle of Plassey
c) Battle of Panipat
d) Battle of Waterloo
Who was the last Mughal emperor of India?
a) Aurangzeb
b) Bahadur Shah Zafar
c) Shah Jahan
d) Akbar
Which Indian state was the first to come under the direct control of the British East India Company?
a) Bengal
b) Gujarat
c) Maharashtra
d) Tamil Nadu
What was the impact of the British East India Company's rule on India?
a) India's economy grew rapidly under British rule
b) India's culture and traditions were preserved and protected
c) India suffered political and economic exploitation under British rule
d) India became a global superpower under British rule
Which was the first city to be colonized by the British East India Company in India?
a) Calcutta
b) Bombay
c) Madras
d) Delhi
In which year did the British East India Company establish its first trading post in China?
a) 1600
b) 1682
c) 1700
d) 1786
What was the primary commodity that the British East India Company traded with China?
a) Spices
b) Silk
c) Tea
d) Textiles
Who was the first Governor-General of India to introduce the policy of subsidiary alliances?
a) Warren Hastings
b) Lord Wellesley
c) Lord Cornwallis
d) William Bentinck
Which Indian ruler was defeated in the Battle of Assaye by the British East India Company?
a) Tipu Sultan
b) Maratha ruler Daulat Rao Scindia
c) Nizam of Hyderabad
d) Mughal Emperor Akbar II
What was the impact of the British East India Company's opium trade with China?
a) It boosted the Chinese economy
b) It led to widespread addiction and social problems in China
c) It led to a decline in British economic power
d) It had no significant impact on either country
Which Indian state was annexed by the British East India Company in 1849 after the Second Anglo-Sikh War?
a) Punjab
b) Bengal
c) Madras
d) Gujarat
What is the main reason for the spread of English as a global language?
a) The military and economic power of English-speaking countries
b) The linguistic superiority of the English language
c) The educational policies of non-English countries
d) The cultural appeal of English-language media
What is the impact of English language proficiency on employment opportunities in non-English speaking countries?
a) It opens up new opportunities for local employment
b) It reduces opportunities for local employment
c) It has no significant impact on employment opportunities
d) It only affects employment opportunities in certain industries
Which international organization uses English as its official language?
a) United Nations
b) World Health Organization
c) European Union
d) International Olympic Committee
What is the impact of the dominance of English as a global language on linguistic diversity?
a) It leads to the loss of local languages and cultures
b) It promotes linguistic diversity by encouraging multilingualism
c) It has no significant impact on linguistic diversity
d) It depends on the policies of individual countries
Which country has made efforts to promote the use of its own language over English in recent years?
a) India
b) China
c) Japan
d) South Korea
What is the impact of English language education on the education systems of non-English speaking countries?
a) It improves the quality of education in these countries
b) It has a negative impact on the education system by prioritizing English-language proficiency over other subjects
c) It has no significant impact on the education system
d) It only affects education systems in certain countries
What is the role of English language proficiency in international communication and diplomacy?
a) It promotes effective communication and understanding between countries
b) It leads to misunderstandings and miscommunication between countries
c) It has no significant impact on international communication and diplomacy
d) It only affects certain types of international communication and diplomacy
Which of the following countries has English as its official language?
a) France
b) Germany
c) Australia
d) Italy
Which country has the largest number of English speakers in the world?
a) United States
b) United Kingdom
c) India
d) China
Which country has English as one of its official languages, along with French and German?
a) Switzerland
b) Belgium
c) Canada
d) South Africa
Which African country has English as its official language, and is the most populous country on the continent?
a) Egypt
b) Nigeria
c) South Africa
d) Kenya
Which Southeast Asian country has English as its official language, along with Malay?
a) Thailand
b) Indonesia
c) Singapore
d) Philippines
Which South American country has English as one of its official languages, along with Spanish and Indigenous languages?
a) Brazil
b) Chile
c) Guyana
d) Peru
Which country has English as its official language, but also recognizes a number of other languages, including Maori and New Zealand Sign Language?
a) New Zealand
b) United Kingdom
c) Canada
d) Australia