(MCQ) (MEG-202) (Block-II) The prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ by ‘Muriel Sparks’

The prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ by ‘Muriel Sparks’

[Quiz Time] The prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ by ‘Muriel Sparks’

1.What is the nationality of Muriel Sparks?
A) English
B) Scottish
C) American
D) Irish
2.What was the profession of Muriel Sparks before becoming a full-time writer?
A) Teacher
B) Secretary
C) Journalist
D) Nurse
3.What was the first novel published by Muriel Sparks?
A) The Comforters
B) The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
C) A Far Cry from Kensington
D) Memento Mori
4.Which prestigious literary award did Muriel Sparks win for her novel ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’?
A) Booker Prize
B) Pulitzer Prize
C) Nobel Prize
D) National Book Award
5.What was the profession of Muriel Sparks’ father?
A) Doctor
B) Lawyer
C) Banker
D) Minister
6.In which year was ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ first published?
A) 1950
B) 1961
C) 1970
D) 1980
7.Which of the following is a major theme in ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’?
A) Love
B) Friendship
C) Betrayal
D) Adventuree
8.What is the name of the school where Miss Jean Brodie teaches?
A) St. Catherine’s
B) St. Mary’s
C) St. Anne’s
D) St. Joseph’s
9.Which of the following is a recurring motif in ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’?
A) Water
B) Fire
C) Wind
D) Earth
10.Who among the following characters is referred to as ‘the one who would betray Miss Brodie’?
A) Sandy
B) Rose
C) Mary
D) Monica
11.Which of the following is not a major theme in ‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’?
A) Love
B) Betrayal
C) Loyalty
D) Power
12.Which of the following is not a significant setting in the novel?
A) Italy
B) Scotland
C) France
D) England
13.What ideology does Miss Brodie admire and try to instill in her students?
A) Capitalism
B) Communism
C) Fascism
D) Socialism
14.Who among the following characters in the novel is shown to be a supporter of fascism?
A) Sandy
B) Rose
C) Mary
D) Monica
15.What is the name of the fascist leader who Miss Brodie admires?
A) Adolf Hitler
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Benito Mussolini
D) Francisco Franco
16.Which of the following is not a fascist trait exhibited by Miss Brodie?
A) Cult of personality
B) Nationalism
C) Totalitarianism
D) Democracy
17.Which of the following is not a fascist characteristic exhibited by Miss Brodie?
A) Disdain for democracy
B) Totalitarianism
C) Militarism
D) Freedom of speech
18.Which of the following events inspires Miss Brodie’s admiration for fascism?
A) The Spanish Civil War
B) World War I
C) World War II
D) The Russian Revolution
What is the name of Miss Brodie’s lover?
A) Teddy Lloyd
B) Gordon Lowther
C) Mr. Lloyd
D) Mr. Lowther
20.What is the nickname given to Miss Brodie by her students?
A) Miss B
B) Miss J
C) The Brodie
D) The Boss
21.Which of the following best describes Miss Brodie’s teaching style?
A) Traditional
B) Progressive
C) Authoritarian
D) Hands-off
22.Who among the following students is Miss Brodie’s favorite?
A) Sandy
B) Rose
C) Mary
D) Monica
23.Which of the following is not a significant aspect of Miss Brodie’s personality?
A) Narcissism
B) Charm
C) Intolerance
D) Empathy
24.Which of the following characters is expelled from St. Catherine’s because of her association with Miss Brodie?
A) Sandy
B) Rose
C) Mary
D) Monica