(MCQ) (MEG-201) (Block- IV) Middlemarch by ‘George Eliot’

Middlemarch by George Eliot

[Quiz Time] Middlemarch by George Eliot

1.What is the setting of Middlemarch?
A) London
B) Paris
C) Rome
D) Middlemarch
2.What is the protagonist's name in Middlemarch?
A) Jane Eyre
B) Elizabeth Bennet
C) Dorothea Brooke
D) Emma Woodhouse
3.In what year was Middlemarch first published?
A) 1818
B) 1857
C) 1871
D) 1890
4.Which literary movement is Middlemarch associated with?
A) Romanticism
B) Realism
C) Naturalism
D) Modernism
5.Which of the following themes is explored in Middlemarch?
A) Social class
B) Love and marriage
C) Politics
D) All of the above
6.Who is the town doctor in Middlemarch?
A) Mr. Casaubon
B) Mr. Bulstrode
C) Mr. Lydgate
D) Mr. Vincy
7.Who is the wealthy landowner in Middlemarch?
A) Mr. Casaubon
B) Mr. Bulstrode
C) Mr. Lydgate
D) Mr. Brooke
8.Which technique does George Eliot use in Middlemarch to explore her characters' thoughts and feelings?
A) Stream of consciousness
B) First-person narration
C) Third-person omniscient narration
D) Second-person narration
9.What is the relationship between Fred Vincy and Mary Garth in Middlemarch?
A) Cousins
B) Siblings
C) Friends
D) None of the above
10.Which philosopher had a major influence on George Eliot's thinking?
A) Friedrich Nietzsche
B) Immanuel Kant
C) Arthur Schopenhauer
D) Baruch Spinoza
11.Which of Spinoza's ideas does George Eliot explore in Middlemarch?
A) Free will
B) Determinism
C) Existentialism
D) Pragmatism
12.What is the relationship between Dorothea Brooke and Mr. Casaubon in Middlemarch?
A) Father and daughter
B) Husband and wife
C) Employer and employee
D) None of the above
13.Which of the following statements best describes George Eliot's views on religion?
A) She was an atheist
B) She was a devout Christian
C) She believed in God but rejected organized religion
D) She was agnostic
14.Which of the following best describes George Eliot's writing style in Middlemarch?
A) Descriptive and ornate
B) Simple and straightforward
C) Witty and ironic
D) Philosophical and introspective
15.In Middlemarch, what is the occupation of Caleb Garth?
A) Lawyer
B) Doctor
C) Farmer
D) Businessman
16.What is the relationship between Fred Vincy and Rosamond Vincy in Middlemarch?
A) Brother and sister
B) Cousins
C) Lovers
D) Friends
17.What is the name of the hospital in Middlemarch where Lydgate works?
A) Middlemarch General Hospital
B) St. Mary's Hospital
C) University Hospital
D) Mercy Hospital
18.In Middlemarch, what is the profession of Nicholas Bulstrode?
A) Banker
B) Doctor
C) Lawyer
D) Politician
19.Who is the narrator of Middlemarch?
A) Dorothea Brooke
B) Will Ladislaw
C) George Eliot
D) A omniscient third-person narrator
20.In Middlemarch, who is the wealthy uncle of Rosamond Vincy?
A) Arthur Brooke
B) Mr. Featherstone
C) Caleb Garth
D) Peter Featherstone
21.What is the name of the newspaper in Middlemarch?
A) The Middlemarch Gazette
B) The Middlemarch News
C) The Pioneer
D) The Middlemarch Register
22.In Middlemarch, what is the name of the doctor who performs Mr. Bulstrode's surgery?
A) Mr. Farebrother
B) Dr. Lydgate
C) Mr. Tyke
D) Mr. Vincy
23.In Middlemarch, what is the occupation of Will Ladislaw?
A) Lawyer
B) Doctor
C) Artist
D) Businessman
24.What is the significance of the character of Dorothea Brooke in Middlemarch?
A) She represents the modern, independent woman
B) She is a symbol of the declining aristocracy
C) She is a critique of Victorian gender roles
D) All of the above
25.What is the significance of George Eliot's use of multiple narrators in "Middlemarch"?
A) To create a sense of confusion for the reader
B) To highlight different perspectives and biases
C) To show off her writing skills
D) None of the above
26.Which of the following is NOT a common theme in George Eliot's novels?
A) Love and romance
B) Social class and hierarchy
C) Religion and morality
D) The nature of reality and consciousness
27.What is the role of the town of Middlemarch in the novel?
A) It is the setting for the entire story
B) It serves as a microcosm of society
C) It is an important character in its own right
D) None of the above
28.Which character in "Middlemarch" is considered by many to be George Eliot's alter ego?
A) Dorothea Brooke
B) Tertius Lydgate
C) Mr. Casaubon
D) Will Ladislaw
29.What is the central conflict in "Middlemarch"?
A) The struggle for power and control
B) The battle between good and evil
C) The tension between individual desires and social expectations
D) None of the above
30.What is the significance of the novel's final line, "But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts"?
A) It suggests that the novel is ultimately optimistic about the future
B) It emphasizes the importance of small, individual actions
C) It reveals the author's political beliefs
D) None of the above
31.What is the ultimate fate of the character of Will Ladislaw?
A) He dies tragically
B) He becomes a successful politician
C) He marries Dorothea Brooke
D) None of the above
32.What is the significance of Dorothea's decision to leave Casaubon and marry Ladislaw?
A) It demonstrates her independence and agency as a female character
B) It shows her naivete and poor judgment
C) It is a betrayal of her family and social class
D) None of the above
33.Which of the following is NOT a major theme in the novel's conclusion?
A) Redemption and forgiveness
B) Social justice and reform
C) Romantic love and happiness
D) Self-discovery and growth
34.What is the significance of the novel's title, "Middlemarch"?
A) It is a metaphor for the characters' personal journeys
B) It refers to the town's location between two larger cities
C) It reflects the novel's focus on middle-class life
D) None of the above