Would you accept the suggestion that phrases like 'green age", “a grief ago”, "once below a time" "colour of saying", "the riding Thames", "aal the sun long", "oaken voices", "the weather of the heart" etc. enrich the language? (MEG 102) (DYLAN THOMAS)

Yes, I would definitely agree with the suggestion that phrases like "green age", "a grief ago", "once below a time", "colour of saying", "the riding Thames", "all the sun long", "oaken voices", "the weather of the heart", and other similar phrases enrich the language.

These phrases are examples of poetic language that Thomas uses to create a unique and vivid imagery in his poetry. They are not typical everyday phrases that one would use in ordinary conversation, but rather, they are creative and imaginative expressions that add depth and beauty to the language.

Moreover, these phrases also serve to create a particular tone or mood in the poems, which contributes to the overall meaning and effect. For example, "oaken voices" and "the weather of the heart" create a sense of nostalgia and longing in the reader, while "the riding Thames" creates an image of a powerful, natural force.

Overall, the use of such phrases in Thomas's poetry shows his mastery of language and his ability to create rich and memorable imagery through his writing.