What Romantic tendencies in Collins won the appreciation of Coleridge? ( MEG 102 ) ( EARLY ROMANTIC POETS )

William Collins was an 18th-century poet who is often associated with the Romantic movement. His poetry was marked by a number of tendencies that appealed to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a prominent Romantic poet and critic.

One of the main Romantic tendencies in Collins's poetry that Coleridge admired was his use of imagination and fantasy. Collins was known for his vivid and imaginative descriptions of the natural world, and his ability to create powerful and evocative images through language. This emphasis on the power of the imagination was a key feature of Romantic poetry, and Coleridge, who was himself a master of poetic imagination, appreciated Collins's skill in this regard.

Another Romantic tendency in Collins's poetry that Coleridge admired was his interest in medieval literature and folklore. Like many Romantic poets, Collins was drawn to the mystery and enchantment of the past, and he often incorporated elements of medieval romance and legend into his poetry. This interest in the medieval world reflected a broader Romantic fascination with the past and with the idea of a lost, more authentic way of life.

Overall, Coleridge appreciated Collins's imaginative powers and his interest in the medieval world, both of which were key features of Romantic poetry. While Collins is not as well-known today as some of his Romantic contemporaries, his work was influential in shaping the Romantic movement, and his poetry continues to be celebrated for its beauty and originality.