What do you understand by the term 'hyperbole' ? What purpose does its use serve in the speeches of the various characters in Look Back in Anger? (MEG 104) (UNIT 3 LANGUAGE AND SPEECH IN LOOK BACK IN ANGER)

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves the use of exaggeration or overstatement to emphasize a point or create a vivid effect. In other words, hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used for emphasis or effect.

In the play "Look Back in Anger," the use of hyperbole serves several purposes:

Emphasizing emotions: The characters in the play often use hyperbole to exaggerate their emotions and make a point more strongly. For example, Jimmy Porter often uses hyperbole to express his anger and frustration with his situation.

Creating vivid imagery: Hyperbole can also be used to create vivid and memorable images. For example, when Jimmy describes his relationship with his wife as "a cross between a heat wave and a cold, cold shower," he uses hyperbole to create a vivid image of their turbulent and conflicted relationship.

Adding humor: Hyperbole can also be used for comedic effect. For example, when Cliff says that he "wouldn't trust Jimmy with a cold sausage roll," he uses hyperbole to make a humorous point about Jimmy's reliability.

Criticizing society: Hyperbole can also be used to criticize social norms and values. For example, when Jimmy says that "the upper classes are a waste of time," he uses hyperbole to express his frustration with the elitism and privilege of the upper classes.

Overall, the use of hyperbole in "Look Back in Anger" serves to emphasize emotions, create vivid imagery, add humor, and criticize social norms and values.