Recreate an imaginary picture of the Abyssinian maid playing on her dulcimer in the form of a short story (MEG 102) (COLERIDGE: KUBLA KHAN)

Once upon a time, in a far-off land of mountains and deserts, there lived an Abyssinian maid named Aziza. Aziza was a beautiful and talented musician who was known throughout the kingdom for her skill on the dulcimer. Her music was said to be so enchanting that it could bring even the most hardened hearts to tears.

One day, while walking through the gardens of the king's palace, Aziza came upon a secluded spot near a small waterfall. As she sat down to rest, she took out her dulcimer and began to play a sweet and mournful tune. As the notes of the music floated through the air, Aziza felt a deep sense of peace and contentment.

As she played, a group of travelers happened upon the garden and heard her music. They were entranced by the sound, and soon a crowd had gathered around Aziza to listen. Even the king himself was drawn to the music, and he sent a servant to invite Aziza to play for him in his chambers.

Aziza accepted the invitation, and soon she found herself in the king's chamber, surrounded by the splendor of his court. As she played, the king and his courtiers were moved to tears by the beauty of her music. They begged her to stay and play for them longer, but Aziza knew that she could not stay forever.

In the end, Aziza returned to her home in the mountains, but her music lived on in the hearts of all who had heard it. For years to come, people would speak of the Abyssinian maid and her dulcimer, and they would marvel at the magic and beauty of her music. And though Aziza never played for the king again, her memory remained forever enshrined in the hearts of those who had heard her play.