If this story was created in today’s times, what genre would you place it under? (MEG 103) (‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare)

If "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare was created in today's times, it could potentially be classified under several different genres. Here are a few possibilities:

Fantasy: "The Tempest" contains many elements of a traditional fantasy story, such as magical powers, supernatural beings, and a remote, exotic setting. This genre would highlight the play's imaginative and fantastical aspects, emphasizing the elements that have made it enduringly popular.

Science Fiction: Another possible genre for "The Tempest" is science fiction. The play's themes of power, control, and the dangers of technology could be explored in a futuristic or spacefaring context, with Prospero's magic being replaced by advanced technology or futuristic gadgets.

Drama: Finally, "The Tempest" could also be classified simply as a drama, highlighting its focus on human relationships, morality, and redemption. This would emphasize the play's emotional and psychological depth, rather than its fantastical elements.

Ultimately, the genre classification of "The Tempest" would depend on the specific creative choices made by the modern-day playwright or director adapting the play. However, each of the above genres would highlight different aspects of the story, allowing for a wide range of interpretations and adaptations.