Examine Marlowe's intellectual and dramatic achievement in Doctor Faustus. (MEG 103) (THE TRAGIC DRAMA OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS)

Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus is a play that explores the themes of power, knowledge, and morality. The play is considered one of Marlowe's greatest works and a masterpiece of Elizabethan drama. In this essay, I will examine Marlowe's intellectual and dramatic achievement in Doctor Faustus.

Marlowe's intellectual achievement in Doctor Faustus lies in his portrayal of the human desire for knowledge and power. Faustus, the play's protagonist, is a learned scholar who is dissatisfied with the limitations of human knowledge. He desires to know more than is humanly possible and seeks to gain power through his knowledge. Marlowe's exploration of this theme reflects the intellectual curiosity and exploration of the Renaissance era, of which Marlowe was a part.

Marlowe also explores the concept of the human soul in Doctor Faustus. Faustus sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge and power, and Marlowe uses this as a metaphor for the human struggle between good and evil. The play can be interpreted as a warning against the dangers of unchecked ambition and the pursuit of power at the expense of one's moral values.

Dramatically, Doctor Faustus is a masterful play that showcases Marlowe's skill as a writer. The play's structure is tightly woven, with each scene contributing to the overall impact of the play. Marlowe employs various dramatic devices, such as the use of soliloquies and asides, to create a sense of intimacy with the audience and to give insight into Faustus' inner thoughts and motivations.

One of the most striking features of Doctor Faustus is the character of Mephistopheles, the devil's servant. Marlowe's portrayal of the devil as a seductive and attractive figure who lures Faustus into damnation is a dramatic achievement. The relationship between Faustus and Mephistopheles is complex, with Mephistopheles serving as both a tempter and a guide for Faustus. Marlowe's characterization of Mephistopheles as a suave and charismatic figure adds depth and complexity to the play.

Marlowe's use of language in Doctor Faustus is also a significant dramatic achievement. The play features some of the most beautiful and lyrical poetry of the Elizabethan era. The use of blank verse and iambic pentameter gives the play a sense of grandeur and adds to the tragic impact of the play.

In conclusion, Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus is a play that explores complex themes of power, knowledge, and morality. Marlowe's intellectual achievement lies in his exploration of the human desire for knowledge and power and his use of the play as a metaphor for the human struggle between good and evil. Dramatically, Marlowe's skill as a writer is evident in the play's structure, characterization, and use of language. Overall, Doctor Faustus is a masterpiece of Elizabethan drama and a testament to Marlowe's intellectual and dramatic achievements.