Do you think of any character(s) in the play as being 'flat' ? If so, why? (MEG 104) (UNIT 2 THE CHARACTERS)

In John Osborne's play "Look Back in Anger," most of the characters are well-developed and multidimensional. However, there are some characters who can be considered "flat" or one-dimensional in their portrayal.

One such character is Alison's best friend, Helena Charles. Helena is a former actress who now works as a nanny for a wealthy family. She is presented as a foil to Alison, as she is more practical and level-headed than Alison, who is more emotional and idealistic. However, Helena's character is not given much depth or development beyond her role as Alison's confidante and mediator between Alison and Jimmy. She is portrayed as a kind and supportive friend, but she does not have much agency or personality beyond her function in the plot.

Another character who could be considered "flat" is Alison's father, Colonel Redfern. He is depicted as a traditional and conservative figure who embodies the values and attitudes that Jimmy rails against throughout the play. However, Colonel Redfern's character is not fleshed out beyond his status as Alison's father and a representative of the older generation. He serves as a symbol of the old-fashioned values that Jimmy and his generation reject, but he is not given much depth or complexity beyond this role.

In both cases, Helena and Colonel Redfern are secondary characters who do not have as much importance in the play as the main characters. However, their lack of depth and development makes them less interesting and engaging than the more fully-realized characters in the play.