Discuss the salient features of the mature Elizabethan tragedy. (MEG 103) (RISE OF ELIZABETHAN COMEDY AND TRAGEDY)

The mature Elizabethan tragedy is characterized by several distinct features, which are evident in the works of playwrights like William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. These features include a focus on complex characters and psychological depth, a willingness to explore challenging and controversial themes, and a mastery of language and theatrical technique.

One of the key features of mature Elizabethan tragedy is a focus on complex characters with psychological depth. Rather than relying on simple archetypes or stock characters, Elizabethan playwrights created characters with rich inner lives, complex motivations, and conflicting desires. This allowed the audience to engage with the characters on a deeper level and to relate to their struggles and dilemmas.

Another key feature of mature Elizabethan tragedy is a willingness to explore challenging and controversial themes. Elizabethan playwrights were not afraid to tackle difficult subjects like death, love, sex, politics, and religion, and to offer complex and nuanced perspectives on these topics. This willingness to engage with difficult subject matter allowed Elizabethan drama to become a vehicle for social and cultural commentary, and helped to elevate it as an art form.

A mastery of language and theatrical technique is another hallmark of mature Elizabethan tragedy. Elizabethan playwrights were renowned for their poetic language and their ability to create vivid and memorable imagery on stage. They also made use of a wide range of theatrical techniques, including dramatic irony, foreshadowing, and comic relief, to create a rich and layered theatrical experience.

Finally, mature Elizabethan tragedy often featured a complex and multi-layered plot structure, with multiple plotlines and a range of secondary characters. This allowed the playwright to explore a range of themes and ideas, and to create a rich and dynamic theatrical experience.

In conclusion, the mature Elizabethan tragedy is characterized by a focus on complex characters, a willingness to explore challenging and controversial themes, a mastery of language and theatrical technique, and a multi-layered plot structure. These features helped to elevate Elizabethan drama as an art form, and continue to make it relevant and resonant to modern audiences.