Write a short note on “textual criticism”. [British Drama (2018-19) Assignment 1]

Textual criticism is a field of literary study that deals with the analysis of texts and manuscripts to reconstruct their original form and meaning. It involves the examination of the historical and cultural contexts of a text, its language, authorship, transmission, and reception.

The process of textual criticism involves the comparison of different manuscripts of a text to identify errors and discrepancies that have crept in through the process of copying and transmission. Textual critics aim to establish an authentic text that is as close as possible to the original authorial intention.

In the study of literature, textual criticism has been particularly important for works that have been transmitted through multiple manuscript copies or that have undergone significant revisions over time. By analyzing these texts and manuscripts, scholars can gain a deeper understanding of the author's style and intentions, as well as the cultural and historical context in which the work was produced.

In addition to traditional literary works, textual criticism has also been applied to other forms of communication, such as historical documents, legal texts, and religious scriptures. Through the use of modern technology, such as digitization and computer analysis, textual critics are able to conduct more accurate and comprehensive analyses of texts and manuscripts than ever before.