Write a note on the comedy of the tale, Is it a merry tale? The Host Wanted a story "as may oure hertes glade "As a reader of the tale, do you find your heart gladdened? How? (MEG 101 CHAUCER)

The Nun's Priest's Tale is certainly a comedy, characterized by the comic irony and satire of Chaucer's style. It is amusing to read and enjoy, as the cock and the hen offer a good deal of entertainment in their conversations, and their characterization is funny and engaging. The tale is witty and humorous, with a light tone, making it an enjoyable read.

The Host wants a story that would gladden their hearts, and in this respect, the tale is a success, for it offers a light-hearted diversion from the seriousness of some of the other tales. The tale presents a view of the world that is cheerful and optimistic, emphasizing the importance of wit and intelligence in overcoming danger and adversity. The resolution of the tale, with the fox's defeat, provides a satisfying conclusion that leaves the reader feeling uplifted and entertained.

Overall, while the Nun's Priest's Tale may not be a tale that causes uproarious laughter, it is certainly a merry tale that fulfills the Host's desire for a story to gladden their hearts. The clever plot, witty characters, and entertaining style all contribute to making the tale a lighthearted and enjoyable read.