Which class of the English drama may be nick named the 'baroque drama'? [MEG 101 Prerestoration]

The term "Baroque drama" is not commonly used to describe a specific class of English drama, as the Baroque style was not as prevalent in English literature as it was in other areas of art, such as painting and architecture.

However, one type of English drama that may be associated with the Baroque period is the Restoration drama, which emerged in the late 17th century after the restoration of the English monarchy following the Puritan Commonwealth period. Restoration drama is characterized by its elaborate and artificial style, its focus on sexual intrigue and social status, and its use of witty and sophisticated language.

Restoration drama often features a highly stylized and artificial performance style that is similar to the ornate and exaggerated style of Baroque art and architecture. The genre was influenced by the French theater of the period and the Italian commedia dell'arte, and it was popular with the court of King Charles II, who was known for his love of spectacle and entertainment. While the term "Baroque drama" is not commonly used to describe Restoration drama, there are certainly some similarities in terms of their ornate and elaborate style.