What were the main traits of Ben Jonson's poetry? Confine your answer to twenty words. [MEG 101 Prerestoration]

Ben Jonson was a prominent English playwright and poet who wrote during the Jacobean and Caroline eras. His poetry was known for its wit, formal precision, and intellectual complexity. Some of the main traits of Jonson's poetry include:

Classicism: Jonson was heavily influenced by classical literature and often drew on classical themes and forms in his poetry.

Precision: Jonson's poetry is characterized by its precise language, meticulous attention to detail, and formal structure.

Wit and humor: Jonson's poetry often includes clever wordplay, puns, and satirical elements that poke fun at social conventions and literary conventions of the time.

Moral and didactic themes: Jonson's poetry often has a moral or didactic message, and he uses his poetry to explore and comment on various aspects of contemporary society.

Praise of Englishness: Jonson celebrated the English language and English culture, and his poetry often includes patriotic themes and references to English history and literature.