What was the immediate reason for the General Prologue to the Canterbury tales to begin with spring season? [British Poetry (2018-19) Assignment 1]

The spread of the new humanist learning during the Renaissance was first evident in Italy. Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance and it was in this country that the early humanist ideas took root and flourished.

The early humanist movement in Italy was led by scholars such as Petrarch, who is often called the "Father of Humanism," and Giovanni Boccaccio. These scholars were interested in reviving the classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome and using it to inform their understanding of the world.

The ideas of humanism soon spread to other parts of Europe, including England. In England, the humanist movement was led by scholars such as Thomas More and Desiderius Erasmus. They were interested in using classical learning to reform the church and society, and they believed that education was the key to achieving this goal. Their ideas were influential in shaping the intellectual and cultural landscape of England during the Renaissance. translate all in to hindi