What is the difference between the Jouissance and Solitude genres of poetry? To which genre does Marvell belong? ( MEG 101 ) ( ANDREW MARVELL )

The Jouissance and Solitude genres of poetry are two distinct forms of seventeenth-century poetry. The Jouissance genre, which means "pleasure" or "enjoyment," focuses on the joys of life and celebrates physical and sensual experiences, often with a light and playful tone. The Solitude genre, on the other hand, explores themes of isolation, melancholy, and the transience of life.

Andrew Marvell's poetry can be seen as belonging to both genres. While some of his poems, like "To His Coy Mistress," are written in the Jouissance style with their focus on love, seduction, and physical pleasure, others like "The Garden" and "Upon Appleton House" are more contemplative and introspective, exploring themes of solitude and the fleeting nature of life.