What do the Miracle Plays deal with? [British Drama (2018-19) Assignment 1]

The Miracle Plays were a form of medieval drama that depicted religious stories and events, such as the life of Christ or the miracles of the saints. These plays were typically performed by church guilds, often in cycles that covered the entire biblical narrative, from creation to the Last Judgment. The plays were performed in vernacular languages, rather than Latin, which made them accessible to a wider audience.

Miracle plays were not just an entertainment, but they were also seen as a way to educate people about the Christian faith. They served as a means of communicating the stories and teachings of the Bible to a largely illiterate population. Additionally, they were often used to reinforce moral and social values, and to reinforce the authority of the Church. Miracle plays were popular in England during the Middle Ages, and many surviving texts of these plays are in Middle English.