What are the chief points of the poem The Garden? ( MEG 101 ) ( ANDREW MARVELL )

"The Garden" by Andrew Marvell.

The chief points of the poem "The Garden" include:

The speaker's description of the garden's beauty and its various features such as the flowers, fountains, and trees.

The speaker's contemplation of the transience of life and the inevitability of death, which is symbolized by the passage of time and the changing of the seasons.

The speaker's reflection on the power of the mind to create a paradise within oneself, which is contrasted with the fleeting nature of external beauty.

The speaker's assertion that love and virtue are the only enduring things that can bring true happiness, and that the pursuit of material wealth and power is ultimately empty and unfulfilling.

Overall, the poem can be seen as a meditation on the nature of human existence, the fleeting nature of beauty, and the power of the mind to create lasting happiness.