(Unit -5) Introduction to Edmund spenser ( MEG 101 ) ( Multiple Choice )

When was Edmund Spenser born?

a) 1552

b) 1560

c) 1574

d) 1594

Answer: a) 1552

Where was Edmund Spenser born?

a) London

b) Liverpool

c) Dublin

d) Edinburgh

Answer: c) Dublin

Which university did Spenser attend?

a) Oxford

b) Cambridge

c) Trinity College Dublin

d) St. Andrews

Answer: c) Trinity College Dublin

Which of Spenser's works is considered his magnum opus?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: a) The Faerie Queene

In which year was the first edition of The Faerie Queene published?

a) 1589

b) 1596

c) 1603

d) 1611

Answer: a) 1589

Which monarch did Spenser dedicate The Faerie Queene to?

a) Queen Elizabeth I

b) King James I

c) King Henry VIII

d) Queen Victoria

Answer: a) Queen Elizabeth I

Which of Spenser's works is a sonnet sequence?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: b) Amoretti

What is the subject matter of Amoretti?

a) Religious devotion

b) Political satire

c) Love and courtship

d) Rural life

Answer: c) Love and courtship

Which of Spenser's works is an elegy?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: c) Astrophel and Stella

Who is the titular character of Astrophel and Stella?

a) Edmund Spenser

b) Sir Philip Sidney

c) Queen Elizabeth I

d) William Shakespeare

Answer: b) Sir Philip Sidney

What is the rhyme scheme used in Spenser's poetry?





Answer: c) ABABCB

What is the term used to describe the form of poetry used in The Faerie Queene?

a) Epic

b) Sonnet

c) Elegy

d) Haiku

Answer: a) Epic

Which of Spenser's works is a pastoral poem?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: d) The Shepheardes Calender

Who is the protagonist of The Faerie Queene?

a) Una

b) Redcrosse

c) Britomart

d) Duessa

Answer: b) Redcrosse

Which of Spenser's works is a political allegory?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: a) The Faerie Queene

Which of Spenser's works is written in a mock-heroic style?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) Mother Hubbard's Tale

Answer: d) Mother Hubbard's Tale

Which of Spenser's works is a satire?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) The Ruines of Time

d) Colin Clouts Come Home Againe

Answer: c) The Ruines of Time

Which of Spenser's works is a tribute to his friend and fellow poet, Sir Philip Sidney?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: c) Astrophel and Stella

Who was Spenser's patron during his time in Ireland?

a) Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

b) Sir Walter Raleigh

c) Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton

d) Arthur Grey, Baron Grey de Wilton

Answer: d) Arthur Grey, Baron Grey de Wilton

Which of Spenser's works is a dialogue between two shepherds, discussing love and poetry?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: d) The Shepheardes Calender

What is the meter used in most of Spenser's poetry?

a) Iambic pentameter

b) Trochaic tetrameter

c) Dactylic hexameter

d) Anapestic dimeter

Answer: a) Iambic pentameter

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of poems celebrating the marriage of two nobles?

a) Epithalamion

b) Hymn in Honour of Love

c) Prothalamion

d) A Hymne in Honour of Beautie

Answer: a) Epithalamion

Which of Spenser's works is a prose treatise on the principles of poetry and poetics?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) A View of the Present State of Ireland

Answer: d) A View of the Present State of Ireland

What is the term used to describe Spenser's use of archaic language and invented words in The Faerie Queene?

a) Neologism

b) Archaism

c) Elizabethanism

d) Spenserianism

Answer: d) Spenserianism

What is the significance of the character of Una in The Faerie Queene?

a) She represents Queen Elizabeth I

b) She represents the virtue of Truth

c) She represents the beauty of Nature

d) She represents the cruelty of War

Answer: b) She represents the virtue of Truth

Which of Spenser's works is a lament for the death of his friend, Sir Philip Sidney?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: c) Astrophel and Stella

What is the significance of the character of Duessa in The Faerie Queene?

a) She represents the virtue of Justice

b) She represents the beauty of Nature

c) She represents the cruelty of War

d) She represents the deceit of Falsehood

Answer: d) She represents the deceit of Falsehood

Which of Spenser's works is a dialogue between two knights, discussing chivalry and the ideal courtier?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Faerie Queene, Book VI

Answer: d) The Faerie Queene, Book VI

Which of Spenser's works is a satire of courtly life and manners?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) The Shepheardes Calender

d) Mother Hubbard's Tale

Answer: d) Mother Hubbard's Tale

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of sonnets celebrating the poet's courtship of his wife, Elizabeth Boyle?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: b) Amoretti

Which of Spenser's works is a pastoral elegy for the poet's friend, Gabriel Harvey?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) The Shepheardes Calender

d) Colin Clouts Come Home Againe

Answer: d) Colin Clouts Come Home Againe

Which of Spenser's works is a dialogue between the author and the river Mulla?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) Prosopopoia: or Mother Hubberds Tale

Answer: d) Prosopopoia: or Mother Hubberds Tale

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of religious poems on the life of Christ?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Hymnes

d) Fowre Hymnes

Answer: d) Fowre Hymnes

Which of Spenser's works is a poetic account of his time serving as secretary to the Lord Deputy of Ireland?

a) A View of the Present State of Ireland

b) The Faerie Queene

c) The Shepheardes Calender

d) The Ruines of Time

Answer: a) A View of the Present State of Ireland

Which of Spenser's works is a translation of a book by the Roman poet Virgil?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) The Shepheardes Calender

d) The Works of Virgil

Answer: c) The Shepheardes Calender (which contains a translation of one of Virgil's eclogues)

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of poems in memory of his daughter, who died in infancy?

a) Epithalamion

b) Amoretti

c) A View of the Present State of Ireland

d) Daphnaida

Answer: d) Daphnaida

Which of Spenser's works is a poetic tribute to the Irish nobleman, Hugh O'Neill?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) A Vewe of the Present State of Ireland

Answer: d) A Vewe of the Present State of Ireland

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of poems on various topics, including love, religion, and politics?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) The Shepheardes Calender

d) Fowre Hymnes

Answer: c) The Shepheardes Calender

Which of Spenser's works is a prose account of his travels in France and Italy?

a) A View of the Present State of Ireland

b) Prosopopoia: or Mother Hubberds Tale

c) A Theatre for Worldlings

d) A Letter of the Authors

Answer: d) A Letter of the Authors

Which of Spenser's works is a poetic tribute to his friend and fellow poet, Edward Kirke?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: c) Astrophel and Stella

Which of Spenser's works is a satirical poem directed against the Catholic Church?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Mother Hubbard's Tale

d) A Vewe of the Present State of Ireland

Answer: c) Mother Hubbard's Tale

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of sonnets expressing the author's love for a married woman?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Hymnes

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: b) Amoretti

Which of Spenser's works is a poetic tribute to his patron, the Earl of Leicester?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) A Theatre for Worldlings

d) A Vewe of the Present State of Ireland

Answer: a) The Faerie Queene

Which of Spenser's works is a poetic meditation on the nature of beauty and its transience?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) A Theatre for Worldlings

d) The Ruines of Time

Answer: d) The Ruines of Time

Which of Spenser's works is a poetic tribute to his friend, the courtier and soldier Sir Philip Sidney?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: c) Astrophel and Stella

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of eclogues, or pastoral poems?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) The Shepheardes Calender

d) A Vewe of the Present State of Ireland

Answer: c) The Shepheardes Calender

Which of Spenser's works is a collection of moral and religious poems, including a poem on the Seven Deadly Sins?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Hymnes

d) Fowre Hymnes

Answer: c) Hymnes

Which of Spenser's works is a poetic account of his courtship and marriage to his wife, Elizabeth Boyle?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: b) Amoretti

Which of Spenser's works is a pastoral poem in which the author laments the death of a fellow poet?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Daphnaida

d) The Ruines of Time

Answer: c) Daphnaida

Which of Spenser's works is an allegorical epic poem in which the knights of the realm of Faerie engage in various quests and battles?

a) The Faerie Queene

b) Amoretti

c) Astrophel and Stella

d) The Shepheardes Calender

Answer: a) The Faerie Queene