Why was not Stephen drawn towards the vocation of ‘Priesthood’?

     According to one of the provided search results [9], Stephen was not drawn towards the vocation of Priesthood because of his father's skepticism towards the Catholic Church. Stephen's father did not believe in the Church's teachings and discouraged his son from pursuing a career in the Church. Stephen was also described as not having a strong sense of religious conviction, which further contributed to his lack of interest in the Priesthood. Additionally, Stephen was drawn to more secular subjects such as art and literature, which may have played a role in his decision not to pursue the Priesthood. Overall, Stephen's lack of religious conviction, his father's skepticism towards the Catholic Church, and his interests in other subjects may have all contributed to his lack of interest in the Priesthood.

[1] "Some time ago the bishop of San Bernardo in Chile asked Pope Francis, what would you say to a young person who at this moment feels a vocation to the priesthood or religious life? The Popes answer was simple, that he allow himself to be gazed at by Jesus. Jesus is the one who calls, not the priest, nor the bishop or the Pope."

URL: https://diosav.org/vocations/priesthood/pope-francis-on-priestly-vocation

[2] "Even to use the term vocation can be misleading, since there are other vocations and since the priesthood is not on the same level as those other vocations. In a very important sense, the priesthood unites all of the callings to which man may respond and cannot be thought of as just one of them."

URL: https://www.filcatholic.org/the-priesthood-as-vocation/

[3] "A vocation, generally speaking, is simply a call from God to a certain state of life. Marriage, in this sense, is a vocation, and so too are all the various professions, such as a doctor, teacher, or carpenter. God thus calls us all to a certain vocation, one which best suits our talents, best prepares us for Heaven, and most honors Him."

URL: https://sspx.org/en/priesthood/vocation

[4] "Cottrell rejoices in the responsibility and delight of the priestly vocation, but the words in the Ordinal immediately before the prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit are never forgotten: You cannot bear the weight of this calling in your own strength. The five words of the subtitle — servant, shepherd, messenger, sentinel, and ..."

URL: https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2020/15-may/books-arts/book-reviews/on-priesthood-servants-shepherds-messengers-sentinels-stewards-by-stephen-cottrell

[5] "Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life The priesthood and religious life are distinct calls from God to share in his mission in the world. The Priesthood The priest is an  alter Christus  which is Latin for another Christ. He is called to be a witness of Christ to the flock that has been entrusted to him as their shepherd."

URL: https://www.arlingtondiocese.org/vocations/vocations-to-priesthood-and-religious-life/

[6] "There is a crisis in the vocation to marriage and even to the life in Christ. Its an error to say that there is a shortage of vocations. That would imply that God is not calling. God is calling to the priesthood, to the diaconate, to the monastic life, to marriage, but we are not responding. We are not answering Gods call."

URL: https://catholicexchange.com/the-vocations-crisis-beyond-the-priesthood/

[7] "A vocation of marriage is Gods call for us to make a union with a person of the opposite sex to help each other grow in holiness and love for God. One of the major goals of marriage is to get our spouses to heaven. When you hear about vocations, it is usually associated with priesthood and the religious life, but marriage seems to be the ..."

URL: https://www.aboutcatholics.com/beliefs/vocation-a-calling-from-god/

[8] "The family, Saint John Paul II taught, is the primary and most excellent seedbed of vocations to a life of consecration to the Kingdom of God.. It is the Christian family that strives to live the faith fervently, that is open to a life of service, and that fulfills its duties to God and neighbor that becomes the rich soil that gives rise ..."

URL: https://www.crisismagazine.com/opinion/family-seedbed-vocations

[9] "(e) Why was not Stephen drawn towards the vocation of Priesthood? Explain. (f) What role did Sandy play in bringing out the hidden truths about Miss Brodie? Group-D Q4. Answer any two questions, each within 300 words. Marks-15x2=30 (a) Great Expectations is primarily the story of Pips education in Life. Elucidate."

URL: http://osou.ac.in/docs2/2019JUNE/MAEG/MEG-03.pdf

[10] "Why is the priesthood so important? Because through the hands of the priest, the very presence of Jesus Christ is mediated to all people. The sixth grade boy had it right. There is no room for entitlement nor clericalism, but only to offer oneself as a gift, a living sacrifice in love and in service. Take the Next Step"

URL: https://diolc.org/priesthood/resources-vocation/why-is-priesthood-so-important/