The Amoretti sonnets by Spenser are replete with images of sensuality, What, in your opinion, do these communicate about (a) the poet; (b) his beloved; and (c) the age? [MEG 101 SPENSER]

While the Amoretti sonnets by Spenser do contain images of sensuality, these images are often used in complex and nuanced ways that can communicate a number of different things about the poet, his beloved, and the age in which they lived.

In terms of the poet, the images of sensuality in the Amoretti can communicate his desire for his beloved, and his willingness to use sensual imagery to express this desire. However, the sonnets also suggest that the poet is not simply interested in physical pleasure, but is instead seeking a deeper, more meaningful connection with his beloved. For example, in Sonnet 54, Spenser uses sensual imagery to describe the physical act of kissing, but then emphasizes the emotional and spiritual significance of this act, suggesting that it is a symbol of the deeper love that he and his beloved share.

In terms of the beloved, the sensual imagery in the Amoretti can communicate her beauty, desirability, and sexual allure. However, the sonnets also suggest that the beloved is more than just a passive object of desire, and is instead a complex and multifaceted individual with her own desires, thoughts, and emotions. For example, in Sonnet 78, Spenser suggests that his beloved's physical beauty is a reflection of her inner virtues, suggesting that her sensuality is not just a superficial quality, but is instead a manifestation of her inner grace and goodness.

In terms of the age, the sensual imagery in the Amoretti can communicate the broader cultural attitudes towards love, desire, and sexuality in the Renaissance. During this time, there was a growing interest in exploring the inner workings of the human heart, and a greater emphasis on individualism, personal freedom, and emotional expression. The use of sensual imagery in the Amoretti reflects these broader cultural trends, and suggests that the poets and writers of the time were interested in exploring the complex and multifaceted nature of love and desire.

Overall, the images of sensuality in the Amoretti sonnets by Spenser communicate a complex and nuanced view of love and desire, reflecting the poet's own desires, the qualities of his beloved, and the broader cultural attitudes towards love and sexuality during the Renaissance.