Name the three major sources of Chaucer's vocabulary. What does each source contribute? (MEG 101 CHAUCER)

Name the three major sources of Chaucer's vocabulary. What does each source contribute?

Latin, French, English

The three major sources of Chaucer's vocabulary are Latin, French, and English.

Latin was the language of the Church and of education in the Middle Ages, and Chaucer's knowledge of Latin allowed him to draw on a rich tradition of classical literature and philosophy. Many of the words Chaucer borrowed from Latin were technical or scientific terms, such as "astronomy" or "philosophy". Latin also contributed to the development of English as a literary language, as writers like Chaucer sought to elevate the status of English by borrowing from the prestige of Latin.

French was the language of the Norman conquerors who came to England in the 11th century, and it remained the language of the English court and aristocracy for several centuries. French words and phrases thus became part of the English language, and Chaucer was able to draw on a wide range of French vocabulary to express nuanced shades of meaning or to create a certain effect. Many of the French words Chaucer borrowed were related to social hierarchy or courtly love, such as "chivalry" or "romance".

English was the language of the common people, and Chaucer drew heavily on the vernacular English spoken by the peasants and tradespeople of his time. English contributed a rich trove of words and expressions related to everyday life, such as "plowman" or "cottage". Chaucer's use of English helped to establish it as a legitimate language for literature and elevated the status of the English language overall.