List the opening lines of the poems you've read so far, begin with 'The Collar'. ( MEG 101 ) ( GEORGE HERBERT )

Here are the opening lines of the poems by George Herbert:

"The Collar": "I struck the board, and cried, 'No more;"

"Love": "Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back,"

"The Pulley": "When God at first made man,"

"The Altar": "A broken ALTAR, Lord, thy servant rears,"

"Easter Wings": "Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,"

"The Windows": "Lord, how can man preach thy eternal word?"

"Aaron": "Holinesse on the head,"

"The Collar (II)": "My silks and fine array,"

"Denial": "When my devotions could not pierce"

"The Pearl": "I know the wayes of learning; both the head"

"Jordan (I)": "Who says that fictions only and false hair"

"The Temple": "Sacred to thine Emperiall Majesty"

"Heaven": "O who will show me those delights on high?"

"Man": "My God, I heard this day"

"Jordan (II)": "Since I am coming to that Holy room,"

"The Forerunners": "The harbingers are come. See, see their mark"

"Life": "I made a posy while the day ran by;"

"Virtue": "Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,"

Note: These are not all of Herbert's poems, but the ones mentioned in this conversation.