Is Johnson's statement that metaphysical poetry is simply a yoking of heterogeneous ideas by violence together (a) a reasoned one or (b) a matter of prejudice ? Write your answer in only 'a' or 'b' ( MEG 101 ) ( STUDY OF JOHN DONNE )

Ans- B below

Johnson's statement that metaphysical poetry is simply a yoking of heterogeneous ideas by violence together is more a matter of prejudice than a reasoned one. Johnson's critical approach is based on the principles of neoclassicism, which emphasizes clarity, order, and restraint in poetry. The Metaphysical Poets, however, often used complex metaphors and unusual comparisons that challenged the neoclassical ideal of clarity and order. Johnson's criticism of the Metaphysical Poets can be seen as a reaction to their departure from the neoclassical principles that he championed.