In book one, Satan says, “I’d rather be a king in Hell than a servant in Heaven.” What do you think this means, and do you agree? Do you think that most people today live by this as well? ( MEG 101 ) ( PARADISE LOST- BOOK 1 )

The statement made by Satan in Book One of "Paradise Lost" reflects his pride and arrogance, as well as his belief that he would rather rule over a kingdom of his own creation, even if it is in Hell, than serve under the authority of God in Heaven. This statement suggests that Satan values power and autonomy above all else, even if it means suffering eternal damnation and punishment.

While some individuals today may still share similar sentiments to Satan's statement, most people do not believe that being a king in Hell is preferable to being a servant in Heaven. This is because most people value concepts such as love, kindness, forgiveness, and humility, which are all associated with serving a higher power or serving others, rather than seeking power and dominance over others.

Moreover, most religious and moral traditions emphasize the importance of moral values and ethical conduct, which may require individuals to sacrifice their own desires or ambitions in order to do what is right and just. The pursuit of power or autonomy at any cost is not generally considered a virtue in most ethical systems, and is often seen as selfish and destructive.

Overall, Satan's statement in "Paradise Lost" reflects a particular perspective on power and autonomy, which is not shared by most people today. While some individuals may still prioritize these values above all else, most people recognize that there are more important things in life than personal power and autonomy.