Identify some of the features of the English Renaissance, that were to influence Miltons’ poetic work. [British Poetry (2018-19) Assignment 2]

John Milton is considered one of the greatest poets of the English Renaissance, a period of great intellectual and cultural change that took place from the late 15th to the mid-17th century. There were several features of the English Renaissance that influenced Milton's poetic work. Here are some of them:

Humanism: Humanism was a central feature of the English Renaissance. It emphasized the study of classical literature, history, and philosophy, and celebrated the achievements of human reason and creativity. Milton's poetry reflects a deep engagement with classical literature and philosophy, as well as a belief in the power of human reason and imagination.

Reformation and religious conflict: The English Renaissance was a time of great religious and political upheaval, as England moved from a Catholic to a Protestant country. Milton's poetry reflects his deep engagement with religious and political issues of his time, and his commitment to Protestantism and republican politics.

Metaphysical poetry: The English Renaissance saw the emergence of a new kind of poetry, known as metaphysical poetry. This type of poetry was characterized by its use of complex metaphors, intellectual wit, and philosophical inquiry. Milton's poetry is deeply influenced by the metaphysical poets, particularly in his use of intricate metaphors and his exploration of complex philosophical and theological issues.

Epic poetry: The English Renaissance saw a revival of epic poetry, particularly in the form of the heroic epic. Milton's greatest work, "Paradise Lost," is an epic poem that draws on classical epic traditions, but also innovates with its portrayal of Satan as a tragic hero and its exploration of theological themes.

Individualism: The English Renaissance was a time of great individualism, as writers and artists sought to assert their unique identities and perspectives. Milton's poetry reflects his strong sense of individualism, particularly in his portrayal of himself as a poet and his belief in the power of individual creativity.

In conclusion, the English Renaissance was a period of great intellectual and cultural change that deeply influenced John Milton's poetic work. His poetry reflects a commitment to humanism, Protestantism, metaphysical inquiry, epic poetry, and individualism, all of which were central features of the English Renaissance.