How do you think history or the time period this poem was written influenced the authors’ views? [MEG 101 SPENSER]

The historical and cultural context in which a poem is written can have a significant influence on the author's views and the themes and ideas presented in their work. In the case of the Amoretti sonnets by Edmund Spenser, the time period in which they were written, the late sixteenth century, was a time of significant political and cultural change in England.

One major factor that likely influenced Spenser's views and the themes of his poetry was the Protestant Reformation, which had a significant impact on English society and culture. Spenser himself was a devout Protestant, and his poetry often reflects his religious beliefs and values. For example, in his epic poem "The Faerie Queene," Spenser presents a moral vision of the world that is deeply informed by Protestant theology.

In addition to religious changes, the late sixteenth century was also a time of significant political upheaval in England. The reign of Elizabeth I, which spanned much of the period in which Spenser was writing, was marked by frequent political and military conflicts, as well as a growing sense of national identity and pride. These factors likely influenced Spenser's views on love and relationships, as well as his conception of the role of the poet in society.

Overall, the historical and cultural context in which the Amoretti sonnets were written likely played a significant role in shaping Spenser's views and the themes of his poetry. By understanding the political, religious, and cultural climate of the time, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the ways in which Spenser's work reflects the values and concerns of his era.