How did Joe’s presence affect Pip when he turned into a gentleman ? [British Novel June 2019]

    In Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations, Joe Gargery plays a significant role in the protagonist Pip's life. Joe is Pip's kind-hearted and nurturing father-figure in his childhood, but as Pip's fate changes, Joe's presence starts to affect him differently. When Pip turns into a gentleman, his new life in London affects his relationship with Joe. Pip's transformation into a gentleman causes a considerable disturbance, some mortification, and a sense of incongruity within him.

Joe is described as a symbol of the life that Pip tries to reject, but he ultimately comes to value. Joe is a gentle and sweet-tempered person who provides a loving and nurturing presence during Pip's childhood. However, when Joe visits Pip in London, his rough speech and crude appearance make him seem horribly out of place in the grand city, and Pip is ashamed of him. Estella, who Pip is infatuated with, laughs at Joe and Pip, causing Pip further embarrassment.

Despite this, Joe continues to protect and care for Pip, showing unwavering support for him. When Pip is unwell, Joe helps him through his illness and even pays off his debts. It is only then that Pip realizes that Joe is a good man and his earlier embarrassment was a mistake. Pip comes to appreciate Joe for his kind nature and loyalty to him.

As Pip develops into a gentleman, the gap between him and Joe increases both physically and emotionally, leading to intolerance in their relationship. Pip's obsession with his new social status causes him to become distant from Joe. In contrast, Joe remains loyal and loving, even though he feels uncomfortable in the grand world that Pip is living in.

In conclusion, Joe's presence has a profound effect on Pip throughout the novel. Although Pip tries to reject his past, Joe remains a symbol of it, and Pip ultimately learns to appreciate the love and support Joe provides him. Despite Pip's transformation into a gentleman, Joe's loyalty and kindness never waver, and he continues to play a significant role in Pip's life, even when Pip distances himself from him.

[1] "When Pips fate dramatically changes and a mysterious benefactor sponsors his transformation into a gentleman, Pips new life in London has a devastating effect on his relationship with Joe. In advance of Joes visit to London, Pip confesses that he feels considerable disturbance, some mortification, and a keen sense of incongruity."


[2] "Joe Gargery. Joe Gargery functions as a symbol of the life Pip tries to reject, but ultimately comes to value. Joe is described as mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easy-going, and provides a loving and nurturing presence during Pips childhood. When Joe reveals to Pip his own difficult childhood, lack of education, and commitment to ..."


[3] "Summary: Chapter 13. Joe visits Satis House to complete Pips apprenticeship papers; with his rough speech and crude appearance, he seems horribly out of place in the Gothic mansion. Estella laughs at him and at Pip. Miss Havisham gives Pip a gift of twenty-five pounds, and Pip and Joe go to Town Hall to confirm the apprenticeship."


[4] "When Pip realizes that Joe has helped him through his illness and through the payment of his debts, he feels affection for Joe again. He realizes that Joe is a good man and it was his mistake to feel embarrassed of him and of his past on his way to develop into a gentleman."


[5] "The relationship between Pip and Joe changes from a loving one to one that is marked by intolerance. This would be because of the change in social class. When Pip leaves for London, the gap between Pip and Joe increases physically and emotionally. At the beginning of the novel, Pip describes Joe as a larger species of child."


[6] "As it turns out, when Pip was just a boy, Jaggers helped rescue a convict. That convict gave most of his money to Mr. Jaggers and asked him to become Pips guardian and lead him into the..."


[7] "He protects and cares for Pip at every turn. When Pip bemoans being common and having coarse hands and boots, Joe explains that Pip is not at all common in his heart. Then, when Pip..."


[8] "she was stood up on her own wedding day. why has miss havisham order herberts father out of her house? he ditched her fiance which makes him not a good guy. what is herberts occupation? clerk. who is mrs. coiler? neighbor of the pockets. how are pip and mrs. pocket alike? both are obsessed with their social status."


[9] "10) Because he knew the pub that Joe always went to and he used the file in front of Pip to see his reaction. Note the description of the man that Pip meets on the stairs at Miss Havishams. (Ch. 11) Jaggers is a large, dark man on the stairs, who criticizes him; bald; suspicious. Note the description of the wedding ballroom at Satis House."


[10] "When Pip learns to love and appreciate Magwitch despite his background, he begins to change. When Joe pays his debts and treats him with forgiveness despite all his former snobbery, Pip..."