Give the names of playrights who were well-known as Restoration Comedy writers. [British Poetry (2018-19) Assignment 2]

Some of the well-known Restoration Comedy playwrights include:

William Wycherley, who wrote plays such as "The Country Wife" and "The Plain Dealer"

William Congreve, who wrote plays such as "The Way of the World" and "Love for Love"

George Etherege, who wrote plays such as "The Man of Mode" and "She Would if She Could"

John Vanbrugh, who wrote plays such as "The Relapse" and "The Provoked Wife"

Thomas Shadwell, who wrote plays such as "The Squire of Alsatia" and "Epsom Wells"

These playwrights were known for their witty and bawdy comedies that often satirized the social and political mores of their time, featuring characters such as rakes, fops, and courtesans. Their plays were highly popular during the Restoration era, which lasted from the 1660s to the early 1700s, and helped to establish the conventions and style of Restoration Comedy.