Discuss Doctor Faustus as a play in the English Morality tradition. [British Drama (2018-19) Assignment 1]

Doctor Faustus, written by Christopher Marlowe, is a play that follows the story of a man named Faustus who makes a deal with the devil in exchange for knowledge and power. It is often regarded as a work within the English Morality tradition due to its use of allegory and its themes of sin, redemption, and the struggle between good and evil.

The play is similar to other morality plays in its depiction of the consequences of one’s actions, specifically in relation to the dangers of pride and the pursuit of knowledge at the expense of one’s soul. In the play, Faustus is shown to be a brilliant scholar who is dissatisfied with his life and turns to dark magic to gain more power and knowledge. However, he eventually realizes the error of his ways and seeks redemption, but it is too late and he is damned to hell.

The play also makes use of allegory, with the character of Faustus representing the fall of humanity and the dangers of temptation, while the devil represents sin and evil. The use of Christian imagery and themes in the play, such as the Seven Deadly Sins, also tie it to the morality tradition.

Overall, Doctor Faustus can be seen as a play that explores the dangers of pride and the pursuit of knowledge at any cost, and the consequences of one’s actions in the face of temptation and sin, making it a valuable addition to the English Morality tradition.