Describe the functions of fiction. (MEG 101 CHAUCER)

Describe the functions of fiction.

Fiction serves a variety of functions in literature and in society. Here are a few key functions of fiction:


One of the primary functions of fiction is to entertain readers or audiences. Fictional works can provide a way for people to escape from their everyday lives and enter into new worlds, experience new emotions, and encounter new ideas.


Fiction can also serve an educational function by teaching readers about different cultures, historical periods, social issues, and other topics. Through fiction, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and develop empathy for others.

Exploration of human experience: 

Fiction often explores the complexities of human experience, including emotions, relationships, and the human condition. Through fiction, readers can gain insight into their own lives and the lives of others.

Social commentary: 

Many works of fiction serve as a commentary on society and the issues of the day. Fiction can provide a way for writers to critique social norms and values and to offer alternative visions of the future.

Emotional catharsis: 

Fiction can provide a way for readers to process and release emotions that they may not be able to express in their everyday lives. By experiencing emotions through fictional characters, readers can gain a sense of release and catharsis.

These are just a few of the many functions of fiction. Depending on the work, fiction can serve one or several of these functions at once.