Critically examine Stephen’s journey in life in finding out his true vocation as described in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. [British Novel]

    Stephen Dedalus is a character in James Joyce's novel "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man". The novel covers Stephen's childhood and adolescence and depicts his journey of growth and maturation as an artist. Throughout the novel, Stephen's journey is influenced by his religion, sexuality, and education, and he ultimately comes to a deeper understanding of life and his true feelings about art .


    Stephen starts the novel as a young boy with an artist's perspective, viewing the world with intense and fragmented memories . Over time, he begins to order his life according to a strict regimen of prayer and devotions, feeling himself growing closer to God .

    Despite the obstacles posed by his religion, sexuality, and education, Stephen overcomes them and experiences life to its fullest. The novel suggests that through Stephen's experiences, he becomes more mature and inspired to redefine his world and understanding of art . Some have examined Stephen's personality as neurotic, as a means of understanding his intellectual and artistic development .

    Overall, "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is a "Kunstlerroman," a narrative of an artist's youth and maturation, set in Dublin, Ireland, in the late 19th century. The novel follows Stephen Dedalus as he journeys through life, finding himself and his place in the world as an artist.