Bring out some points of difference between the religious poetry of Donne and that of Herbert. [British Poetry]
John Donne and George Herbert were both poets of the early 17th century in England, and both wrote religious poetry, but there are some key differences in their style and approach to their religious themes:
Style: Donne's poetry is known for its complex and often dense language, full of metaphor, puns, and elaborate imagery. Herbert's poetry, on the other hand, is characterized by its simplicity and directness, using plain language and simple imagery to express religious themes.
Tone: Donne's poetry often has a melancholic and introspective tone, reflecting on his own spiritual struggles and experiences. Herbert's poetry has a more devotional and meditative tone, focusing on the beauty and wonder of God and nature.
Use of imagery: Donne's poetry is known for its use of elaborate and often paradoxical imagery, often drawing on scientific and philosophical concepts to express religious ideas. Herbert's poetry, on the other hand, uses imagery from nature and everyday life, often using it to illustrate spiritual truths and practices.
Focus on the self: Donne's poetry is often focused on the self and the speaker's own spiritual journey, reflecting on his own experiences and emotions. Herbert's poetry, on the other hand, is more focused on God and the worship of God, rather than on the poet's own experiences.
Themes: Donne's poetry often explores themes of love, desire, and the soul's journey towards God, while Herbert's poetry explores themes of devotion, repentance, and the beauty of God's creation.
Overall, while both Donne and Herbert wrote religious poetry, they approached their themes and subjects in different ways, reflecting their own personal styles, beliefs and experiences.