When and where did Shelley write the following: 1. Queen Mab, 2. Alastor, 3. Prometheus Unbound, 4. 'Ode to the West Wind‟, and 5. The Triumph of Life? (MEG 102) (THE POET OF VOLCANIC HOPE: P. B. SHELLEY)

Shelley wrote "Queen Mab" in 1813-1815 while he was still a student at Oxford University.

"Alastor" was written by Shelley in 1815, during his travels through Switzerland and Italy.

Shelley wrote "Prometheus Unbound" between 1818 and 1819 while he was living in Italy.

"Ode to the West Wind" was written by Shelley in October 1819 while he was living in Florence, Italy.

"The Triumph of Life" was written in 1822, shortly before Shelley's death, while he was living in Italy.