What Romantic trait is noticeable in Akenside‟s poetry? ( MEG 102 ) ( EARLY ROMANTIC POETS )

Mark Akenside, an 18th-century poet, is known for his long philosophical poem, "The Pleasures of the Imagination", which explores the relationship between the imagination and the natural world. While Akenside is often associated with the Neoclassical tradition, there are also some Romantic traits that can be observed in his poetry.

One of the main Romantic traits in Akenside's poetry is his emphasis on the power of the imagination. Like the Romantics, Akenside believed that the imagination was a source of creativity and inspiration, and that it had the power to transform and elevate the human spirit. This can be seen in his poem "The Pleasures of Imagination", which celebrates the beauty of the natural world and the imaginative powers of the human mind.

Another Romantic trait in Akenside's poetry is his celebration of the natural world. Like many Romantic poets, Akenside was interested in the beauty and power of nature, and he often used vivid and evocative language to describe the natural world in his poetry. This can be seen in his descriptions of mountains, forests, and other natural landscapes in "The Pleasures of Imagination".

Overall, while Akenside's poetry is often associated with the Neoclassical tradition, his emphasis on the imagination and his celebration of nature are both traits that are shared by many Romantic poets, and make his work a precursor to the Romantic movement.