What is Tom Paine‟s theme in Rights of Man? ( MEG 102 ) ( THE ROMANTIC MOVEMENT )

Tom Paine's theme in his book "Rights of Man" is the promotion of the principles of democracy and the defense of the natural rights of all individuals. In this work, Paine argued that all individuals have inherent and inalienable rights that are not granted by governments, but are rather an integral part of being human. He also criticized the British government's treatment of its citizens and advocated for a more democratic system of government, where power is distributed more evenly among the people.

Paine believed that the existing political and social institutions were oppressive and that a more just and equal society was needed. His work challenged the traditional ideas about monarchy and aristocracy, and emphasized the importance of individual liberty and political equality. He saw democracy as a means to achieve social and political progress, and believed that it was the only way to guarantee the protection of individual rights and freedoms.