What are Blake‟s political beliefs? (MEG 102) (UNIT 12 WILLIAM BLAKE )

William Blake, the English poet and artist, was a deeply political figure who had strong beliefs about society, government, and the role of the individual in the world. Some of the key elements of Blake's political beliefs include:

Anti-authoritarianism: Blake was deeply suspicious of authority in all its forms, whether it was the government, the church, or other institutions of power. He saw these institutions as sources of repression and control, and believed that they had a negative impact on human freedom and creativity.

Radical democracy: Blake was a strong advocate for democracy and believed that all individuals should have an equal say in how society was governed. He was critical of the hierarchical structures of power that characterized British society, and saw them as a barrier to true democracy.

Social justice: Blake was committed to social justice and believed that all individuals should have access to the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and healthcare. He was critical of the vast disparities of wealth and power that characterized British society, and saw them as a source of social injustice and inequality.

Environmentalism: Blake was an early environmentalist who believed that human beings had a responsibility to care for the natural world. He was critical of the way that industrialization and urbanization had destroyed the natural environment, and saw this as a threat to the health and well-being of human society.

Spiritual liberation: Finally, Blake was a deeply spiritual figure who believed that the individual had the power to connect with the divine through their own imagination and creativity. He saw this as a source of personal liberation and believed that it could also be a source of social and political transformation.

Overall, Blake's political beliefs were characterized by a deep commitment to human freedom, social justice, and environmental responsibility, as well as a belief in the power of the individual to effect change in the world.