Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion. T.S. Eliot Comment particularly on Thomas's "individual" struggle from darkness towards "some measure of light". Try to describe the individuality, the uniqueness, the difference, of the struggle. (MEG 102) (DYLAN THOMAS)

T.S. Eliot famously claimed that "Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion." While this statement suggests a certain level of detachment and intellectual distance from the emotional content of poetry, it is not necessarily at odds with Dylan Thomas's view of the art form.

Thomas believed that poetry was a spontaneous outpouring of intense emotion, but he also recognized that the process of creating poetry could provide a kind of release or escape from the sometimes overwhelming feelings that inspired it. In his work, he often grappled with the darkness and despair that can be part of the human experience, but he also sought to find moments of transcendence and beauty that could help to alleviate these feelings.

At the heart of Thomas's poetry is a struggle towards understanding and acceptance of the world and of one's place within it. This struggle is deeply individual and personal, reflecting the unique experiences and perspectives of the poet. Thomas's work is characterized by a sense of urgency and intensity, as he seeks to capture the raw emotions and sensory experiences of life in all their complexity.

At the same time, however, Thomas's poetry also possesses a universal quality, speaking to the shared human experiences of love, loss, and mortality. His struggle towards "some measure of light" is one that many readers can identify with, even as they recognize the unique individuality of his perspective and voice.

Overall, Thomas's view of poetry is one that emphasizes the power of language to capture and convey the intense emotions that are part of the human experience. While his work is deeply personal and individual, it also possesses a universal quality that speaks to the broader concerns and struggles of humanity.